11th Bipartite Settlement Latest Update – Core Committee Meeting (Workmen) held on 28 November 2019 – As decided during Main Negotiations Committee Meeting held on 15 Nov, ’19, Core Committee (Workmen) Meeting was held today at IBA Office, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai.

11th Bipartite Settlement Meeting Updates – Discussions
- Adoption of New Series of C. P. Index for D. A. calculation and formula for DA calculation to be decided during the next Main Negotiating Committee Meeting.
- Union demand for PL accumulation upto 300 days & it’s encashment on retirement to be put before Main Committee.
- For Adoption of Child upto 1 yr ML agreed with certain conditions.
- Sabbatical Leave to all employees. The matter is left to individual banks.
- LFC : There will be improvement in distance permitted to Sub Staff.
- LFC : For Workmen employees travel by own car permitted. At par with provision for officers.
- LFC : with package tour not permitted.
- Outsourcing : From the earlier clause ” as per RBI guidelines to be done for non core activities.” It is agreed to remove words as per RBI guidelines.
- OT : For simplified & improved method note is submitted by Unions. To be discussed further.
- Punishment : For gross misconduct, fine as punishment may be removed.
- Ex Servicemen : Only the guidelines issued by “Dept of Financial Services” of Govt of India to be followed uniformly.
- Unions wanted time gap between Business hours and Working hours should be 2 hours instead of present 1 hour. This demand was rejected outright by the IBA.
- Whatever is accepted is subject to final approval at Main Committee level.
- Negotiations may take decisive turn during next meeting on 3 Dec, 2019.