United Forum of IDBI Officers and Employees Two Days Strike Notice to Managing Director CEO of IDBI Bank Ltd on various issues and demands : In accordance with the provisions contained in sub-section (1) of Section 22 of the of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, we hereby give you notice that the members of All India Officers’ Association [AIIDBIOA] and All India Industrial Development Bank Employees’ Association [AIIDBEA] under the banner of United Forum of IDBI Officers and Employees propose to go on TWO DAY NATION WIDE STRIKE ON 24TH AND 25TH OF OCTOBER 2017 in pursuance of the following demands and the reasons :

IDBI Officer / Employees Two Day Strike Notice : Main Issues and Demands
- Immediate settlement of long pending wage revision due from Nov 2012
- Restoration of JAIIB/CAIIB increments for officer staff
- One more option to join the Defined Pension Scheme
- Implementation of New Pension Scheme (NPS) prospectively
- Recruitment of Workmen Staff
- Promotion of Workmen Staff
Outsourced employees related issues – “Equal Pay for Equal Work”
IDBI Bank Employees Main Issued and Demands for 2 Days Strike
As wage revision from November 1, 2012, has not been completed or implemented till date. Wage revision for all employees and officers of all other banks was completed in May 2015 with the signing of the 10th Bipartite Settlement. Subsequently, this was executed in the RBI, the LIC, the GIC and regional rural banks. In all other banks, wage revision has not only been completed and implemented, but negotiations have commenced for the next revision due from November 2017.