Punjab National Bank (PNB) brings in biometric attendance system replacing existing system of signing attendance in the attendance register. The circular regarding implementation of biometric attendance system with immediate effect was uploaded / issued on 3 August. The existing system will run in parallel up to 31 august to streamline the process.
How the Biometric attendance will be marked : Guidelines
The biometric attendance device will capture the attendance along with the time of marking the attendance. Rules with regard to marking of attendance after the prescribed time and leaving the office before the prescribed time have already been made available in separate circulars.

The biometric attendance system has been integrated with the in-house HRMS profile of the employee.
As per circular issued , It is required for every employee to come on time and mark attendance in the biometric device. But there will be three chances in a month for exceptional cases. An employee may be permitted 15 minutes grace margin i.e, within 15 minutes of the prescribed time.
After three occasion or chances are exhausted by the employee in a month, he will be marked absent or late.
Reporting / exit timings will be uploaded in the HR system automatically.