Bank employees and officers’ unions have expressed deep concern over the long-pending wage revision in IDBI Bank. The All India Bank Employees’ Association (AIBEA) and All India Bank Officers’ Association (AIBOA) have jointly written a letter to the MD & CEO of the bank in this connection.
Further Delay in Wage Revision ‘No more acceptable’
The letter was signed by CH Venkatachalam and S Nagarajan, general secretaries of AIBEA and AIBOA, respectively.
“We wish to point out that further delay in settling wage revision is no longer acceptable to us. We urge to take up this issue on a priority…to resolve it amicably and expeditiously,” the letter said.

If the management chose the delay the issue further, the unions will be constrained to decide upon industry-level agitational programmes across the industry.
The letter recalled that the wage revision from November 1, 2012, has not been completed or implemented till date. This is despite serving of repeated reminders and employees and officers expressing their anguish through various programmes, including strikes.
Wage revision for all employees and officers of all other banks was completed in May 2015 with the signing of the 10th Bipartite Settlement. Subsequently, this was executed in the RBI, the LIC, the GIC and regional rural banks.
Next wage revision due from November 2017
In all other banks, wage revision has not only been completed and implemented, but negotiations have commenced for the next revision due from November 2017.
“Our affiliates have shown utmost patience and restraint and have also adopted a very reasonable approach in order to expedite the wage revision.
“But we are constrained to observe that the approach of the IDBI Bank management has been indifferent, unreasonable, casual and negative,” the letter said.
The staff and officers were aware of the unhealthy financial condition of the bank caused mainly due to the huge bad loans accumulated.
“The reasons thereof and the persons responsible are also well-known. Instead of taking the workforce on board and moving towards a turnaround, it is unfortunate that the staff are left in the lurch for no fault of theirs.