11th BPS Meet on 5th May | Salary Rise for Bankers Before Elections

Next 11th BPS meeting 5 may salary rise before elections
Next 11th BPS meeting 5 may salary rise before elections

Next 11th Bipartite Settlement Meeting between Bank Union and Indian Banks Association is scheduled to be held on 5th May. Modi Government may gift increase in salary to bank workers keeping in view the upcoming Loksabha Elections. Government has started its efforts to convince angry voters of service class by targeting bankers first. After rounds of meeting between IBA and Bank Unions, the matter of Increase in salary of around 10 lakh bank workers is still pending since November 2017.

Central  Government has already written a letter followed by reminder to complete the wage negotiation process by 1st November 2017. But there is no significant development after rounds of bipartite meetings held between IBA and bank unions.

Demand for 25 percent increase in Salary

Bank Unions have demanded for 25 percent increase in salary in earlier meetings held between bank unions and IBA. But Indian Bank Association has not given any hint on what they want to give.

Around 10 Lakh Bankers to get benefits

With the implementation of 11th Bipartite Settlement, around 10 lakh bank employees across the country will get benefited. Government will also get benefits in upcoming Loksabha Elections.

Implementation History of Bipartite Settlement

Looking at the implementation history of bipartite settlement of bank employees, it is clear that salary revision never implemented on time and is being always delayed.

  Due Date Actual Date Delay
1st Bipartite settlement       0 1/01/1966 19/10/1966 9 months
2nd Bipartite settlement 01/01/1970 12/10/1970 9 months
3rd Bipartite settlement 01/09/1978 01/08/1979 11 months
4th Bipartite settlement 01/09/1982 17/09/1984 24 months
5th Bipartite settlement 01/07/1987 10/04/1989 21 months
6th Bipartite settlement 01/11/1992 14/02/1995 28 months
7th Bipartite settlement 01/11/1997 27/03/2000 29 months
8th Bipartite settlement 01/11/2002 02/06/2005 32 months
9th Bipartite settlement 01/11/2007 27/04/2010 30 months
10th Bipartite settlement 01/11/2012 25/05/2015 30 months
11thBipartite settlement 01/11/2017 Still pending

During the previous 10th bipartite settlement , around 20 rounds of wage negotiations meeting with IBA were held before final settlement. Following the above trend of delay in wage revision, you can guess the delay in next wage revision.


  1. Bankers is a axis of economy of our country. Bankers is always ready to touch a goal .they are only one of the medium of reaCh every facility up to last person who launched the Indian government. So they are desirable person to get the increase salary who they wants


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