11th BPS Latest Updates : Common Questions of every bankers that are still unanswered after rounds of meeting – Mr Prabin Kumar Biswas, a young banker asked some simple questions on 11th BPS development, to Mr. C H Venkatachalam, General Secretary of AIBEA that every banker want to ask . But he bypassed all his questions , calling him non member of AIBEA and . Bipartite settlement is signed by all unions together under UFBU. Employee actively participate in every activity of unions under UFBU – strike, pay monthly subscription amount, salary cut.
Still do bank employees have no right to get answer of their queries bubbling in their minds? Here are questions asked by a bank employee to C H Venkatachalam, General Secretary, AIBEA.
11th BPS : Unanswered Question of every bank employee
- What amount of percentage you are going to demand for wage hike in upcoming 11th BPS ?
- What is the stand of Unions regarding 5 Days Banking ?
- What is the stand of Unions regarding regulated working hours for offices ?
- Regarding Pensioners Issue like 100 percent DA neutralization ?
- What is the issue in going for indefinite strike until our demands are fulfilled , instead of doing strike for one or two days ?
- If Bipartite Settlement is better than pay commission, why there is wide gap in pay of bankers and central government employees ? When earlier in 70s it was more than central govt employees or any other PSU.
Here is the conversation between Prabin Biswan and CH Venkatachalam
Also Read : Expected DA increase for bankers for Nov 2017 to Jan 2018

Source : Swatantra Bank Karamchari Sangh
Bhai My name spelling mentioned here is wrong. Correct one is PRABIN KUMAR BISWAS
Sorry Brother… 😉
We all bankers should go for indefinite strike. We don’t want settlement to be done in the year 2020. We need pay commission.
hi i totally disagree with the comment of shri venkatachalam to ask dna of any member posing question to him. He must clearly understand that he is a leader because of members and every member has a right to pose question to any leader. It is a collective decision to reach an wage settlement agreement. I also feel there must be total transperancy and every member must get the information through a common portal and not through the mouth of the leader of local union. It gives a feeling that shri venkatalchalam believes in signing the wage revision agreement in closed chambers.
Yes, each member is having right to know what is the development and the leaders to answer them.
Its better to replace venkata chalam by some other person as iba secretary,who is well knows about common banker problems.venkatachalam is totally in favour of govt.
Why you people not in a position to go for a long strike. If you go for a strike then the entire system system will come under control.